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Wow!!  It’s been 2 weeks since my last blog post!!
Life has been very hectic lately. If you are a fellow blogger, you can feel my pain. It isn’t easy trying to balance home life, work-life, and trying to have a side “hustle”.
To be completely honest, things just got overwhelming. I tried playing the balancing act, and failed miserably! I was determined to get my blog up and running, and all the while, my other commitments fell to the waist side.

Blogging isn’t just writing your thoughts and posting them. It’s also about promotion, getting a good footing in cyberspace, and finding an audience. You decide to blog for several reasons. My reason was to document my journey into midlife and hopefully help others at the same time. I’m a people person, and I figured why not? I can learn more about myself, and meet new people?? Score!!

What I didn’t know was how much went into this!! The promotion alone can be daunting. I joined several blogging groups on Facebook in order to gain information, as well as participating in challenges to get people to “like” my posts, Facebook pages, Instagram, and Twitter accounts. Some groups are successful and productive, and some aren’t.  I equate it to High School.                                You are basically begging people to like you, or begging for followers.  Not all groups are like this, which is a relief.  I have met amazing Women through these channels.

Being in 10 + groups, adding my post links, and posting on several other bloggers links was exhausting. Like High School, you have cliques.   Some people will say they are supportive.  They will follow you to gain followers, then turn around and unfollow you. Sometimes in the same day! How does this aid in growth? There are many bloggers that are genuinely there to help and want to connect, and then there are those that urge you to buy their products or invest in their classes.   I can totally respect that, but my primary focus ISN’T to make $1000.00 per month. (am I crazy?).  So, I decided to step away and think of a game plan. In doing so, I pondered these questions.

  Why do I want to be a blogger, What do I want to get out of blogging, and Where do I want to go from here?

For 2 weeks, I didn’t power on my computer, take notes, or partake in any blog-related social media. I concentrated on all of the things that I faltered on and gained a peace of mind. To make a long story short, I made the conscious decision to keep going and believe in myself and my success! I’m also making changes to my podcast. My poor podcast got pushed to the side in all of this.  From the beginning of this journey, my plan was to incorporate with my blog since they are both platforms to discuss midlife issues. So now, I have decided to kill 2 birds with 1 stone and incorporate “solocast” episodes alongside episodes with Michelle.  So far, I completed and uploaded my first episode, and got awesome feedback! In these  “solocast” episodes I will discuss my blog posts. This will give me the opportunity to integrate and grow both audiences at the same time.  I’m excited about the change!

I came to the realization that numbers DO NOT define my success, and I shouldn’t beat myself up about it.

 I also decided that I am ok with not having 1000 page views per month, or downloads on my podcast every month.  Just like the famous line from “Field of Dreams” “If you build it, he (they) will come”.


It may take months or years to be among the blogging “greats”, and that’s ok!! If I have a small following, I’m okay with that too! I appreciate the following that I have!!

Thank you for all of the comments, and support! It warms my heart. I’m looking forward to coming up with great topics, more product reviews, and podcast episodes to share!

How do you handle “burnout”?  Have you had a  situation where you had to take a step back and regroup?  How did that work for you?  I’d love to hear your stories. 

Until next time…..

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