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Feeling cute and sexy!

I consider myself a simple person when it comes to shopping. Most of my shopping decisions come down to two sets of criteria; 1) price and 2) comfort. My go to place for everything is Marshall’s. I can find everything I need in one store, and the prices are budget friendly. There are times when I stray from my usual routine and hit up Old Navy. They also have a great selection and good price points.  I’ve wanted a pair of overalls for the longest time. I used to rock them in the summers back in the day (ok…the early 90’s) and couldn’t live without them. My Guess? overalls were my favorite, and I wore the 3 pairs I had all the time.

Recently, I observed several women and teens walking around in the cutest overalls, and knew I had to have a pair. So, I set out on a mission to find some. The problem? I’m not only in my 40’s (would they be age appropriate?), but I’m also a plus sized woman.  I follow a few midlife fashion bloggers on Instagram.  The clothes they model are stylish, not plus sized,  and expensive.  Not something that the average person can afford.

It’s hard enough finding plus sized clothing that is flattering, and affordable. Sometimes I think that clothing designers forget that we also have a sense of style! I also didn’t want overall’s that were too tight or too short. So I took to the internet and searched “Plus sized overalls.” OMG, I stared at the screen in awe of the horrible looking outfits that stared back at me. The models were smiling but looked like they were dying on the inside because they would never be caught dead in those fashions!

Ready to give into defeat, I searched again and found THEM! The model actually looked happy and confident! Lane Bryant saved the day! I occasionally buy clothing from Lane Bryant, especially when they have a killer sale.  Using the real woman dollars can save you A LOT of money!

Look how happy she looks!

These overalls were priced at $89.95 which is an amount I would have to think twice about paying. However, they had a BOGO 1/2 off sale. I recently started wearing boyfriend cut jeans. They are roomy, comfortable and stylish. The thing I loved most about these overalls, is they were boyfriend style! SCORE! In the last year, I have lost some weight (I still have a long way to go), and I’ve gone from a size 22 to a 16. (Yea me!)  I took a chance and ordered these, and a pair of boyfriend jean capris both in size 16.  With the sale, and an online coupon I paid a little over $72.00 for both!

Who says a woman in her “Middle Years” can’t wear cute clothes and be stylish?
Are we destined to order our clothes from the back of a TV Guide or Parade magazine??!!

Do you remember these?

I’m not trying to dress like my 17-year-old daughter (although she is a true fashionista), but I’d still like to rock a cute, casual look from time to time. Even though I am proudly a plus sized woman, I shouldn’t feel that I have to sacrifice my sense of style. The “Middle Years” are our transition years! I’m embracing the new me, and it’s time for me to express that! Sadly, these overalls sold out in a flash and are discontinued. I’m so glad I got them in time! I recently wore them with a simple black tank top, and a pair of comfy slip on sneakers. They were fun, and so fetch (yes, I’m still trying to make fetch happen).

Thank you, Lane Bryant, for making clothes for women whose body types aren’t the “norm” and who deserve to look and feel cute and sexy no matter what age or size they are!


What do you think? Can women in their Middle Years still rock cute and stylish clothes?

Until Next time….