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I can’t believe it has been 7 weeks since I started on my Weight Watchers Journey.  I knew that I needed to make some changes in my life, and first and foremost was my health.  My problem is I have never met a carb I didn’t like.  Carbs are so delicious and so bad at the same time?  What the heck is that about?  When I decided to join Weight Watchers, I told myself I was going into it this time with a fresh perspective.  I was not going to pressure myself or beat myself up if the scale didn’t move fast enough.  Just like everything in midlife, I’m embracing these changes one day at a time. On a recent trip to New Jersey, I mapped out WW studio locations so I wouldn’t miss a meeting.  While at the meeting, I met some friendly ladies who gave me tips on where to eat while I was in the Garden State.  Even though I was halfway across the USA, I still made it a priority to attend a meeting. This is a  testament as to how Weight Watchers has changed my way of thinking!

To date, I am down 11.2 pounds!!!

I am genuinely proud of my accomplishments, and I’m looking forward to seeing where this journey will take me. I’d like to share what I have learned so far.

These are 7 things that I have learned while on the plan:


I’m more at ease this time around

Again, I made a promise to myself to not rush the process and trust the plan.  I set a goal of .5 to 1.0 pound per week.  I think this goal is very attainable and not farfetched.  Even though that seems like a minuscule goal, the way I figure it 1 pound a week is 4 pounds a month.  Not bad, and it will all add up.  Food is just food.  The decadent indulgence is only short-term gratification.  On Weight Watchers, I can still enjoy my favorite foods, and I don’t feel like I’m depriving myself of anything. 

I enjoy being in my kitchen

I used to look at cooking as a chore, something that I needed to do day in and day out.  It became so mundane that I lost my creative juices.  After working all day, the last thing I wanted to do was come home and cook a four-course meal.  I’m no June Cleaver.  I joined a few Weight Watchers Facebook groups that share recipes, I follow other WW members on Instagram that post tips, and I find quick and easy recipes on the WW app.  All of these sources make meal planning so much easier.  My family is also enjoying the new foods I’m cooking.  

Weight Loss is a Mental Game

Weight Watchers or any other plan will not work if you don’t change your mindset.  The ability to change our mindset and adapt applies to so many things in our hectic lives.  I have to admit I there are times I have caught myself emotionally eating, or eating larger portions because I loved the dish so much.  Those aren’t healthy habits, and I’m learning to change my mindset about what, and how much I’m eating. That alone is worth its weight in gold.

Have you ever caught yourself eating when you aren’t even hungry? Or eating until you’re stuffed?

Even though I joined with Friends, I’m on my own

My Friend Deb joined Weight Watchers and one evening over wine talked Dana and me into joining. By doing so, we’d each get a free month!  What’s not to love about that? In the seven weeks, I have been on the plan, I have only been to 2 meetings with Deb and Dana.  We all have busy lives and can’t get together as much as we’d like.  Now, If I depended on my friends to help carry me through this plan, I would be sadly disappointed.  Of course, we had grandiose plans to meal prep, exchange recipes, and exercise together.  None of that has happened, and that’s totally fine.  This gives me affirmation that I am a lone wolf on this journey and I am only accountable for myself.  My friend Raulisa joined two weeks ago, and I got another free month!  Raulisa and I work together and can support each other during the week, but the same applies here.  We will work the plan on our own while continuing to support one another.

weight watchers charms
my growing charm collection
I am not a Weight Watchers Billboard (not yet)

I don’t wear a T-shirt that says “I’m on Weight Watchers tell me your opinion.”  I haven’t announced it at work around the water cooler.  Am I ashamed that I am on the plan?  No, I am not!  We all know the old saying “Everyone has an opinion.”  If I want to use 19 points on my lunch that day, that’s my prerogative.  Tell people you are on a “diet” and then you become a zoo exhibit.  “Wow, you can eat that?” “How many points are in that?”.  I can do without all the explaining.  Just continue to compliment me on how much weight I’m losing!  Am I right?

Blogging about my journey is helping with my accountability

I have enjoyed blogging about my journey.  I have met incredible people on Instagram and the WW app.  Sharing my wins and losses online was something that I pondered.  Do I want to expose my vulnerability for everyone to read?  I decided YES.  Even if no one reads my posts, I am still open and honest with myself, and I hope that my stories will help to inspire others with their journeys.  

Being selfish is OK!!

In these last seven weeks, I have noticed a few changes.  I feel better in my clothes, My smile is a little brighter, I want to be more active, and most importantly I am feeling better about myself.  Luckily, my family is on board with all the changes I’m implementing.  If they weren’t?  Oh Well!  If they don’t want to eat healthy alternatives, then they can cook for themselves! To see gradual changes is motivating me to keep going.  I know there will be weeks I may gain, weeks I may lose, and weeks I will plateau.  No matter progress I may or may not make, I am doing this for ME, and I owe it to myself see where the journey will lead me!

the middle years journey blog

*Disclaimer: As the owner of The Middle Years Journey Blog, I am not affiliated with Weight Watchers. My posts are about my personal experience with the plan. I am not receiving any compensation in exchange for my posts, or participation on the plan. These are my own thoughts and opinions*

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